[5-17-21] “Juggling Light”

Some considerations before each portrait session:

Lighting {

∙ How strong is the main (key) light? (my strobe, or flash, is measured in fractional outputs: 1/256, 1/128, 1/64, 1/32,… 1/1 (strongest))

∙ How strong is my rear (background) light?

∙ How strong is the ambient light? (this is constant light, measured in lux)


Shape of light {

∙ What is the size of each light source? (large or small light)

∙ What is distance from subject? (exposure fall-off)

∙ Placement (i.e. angle from subject)

∙ Directionality of light (how straight of the light rays?)

∙ Also, will light bounce? sometimes light scatters unintentionally if it is too bright

∙ What is the color/color temperature of these lights? (light can be colored with gels)


Camera settings {

∙ shutter speed? (affects only ambient)

∙ aperture? (impacts all light sources)

∙ what is my ISO? (impacts all light sources)

∙ should I use an ND filter? (this filter reduces light, good for "cutting" light if needed)


Over time, these variables become more intuitive, but it helps to think clearly about them every now and then and before every shoot.

Once determined, the variables can be adjusted slightly during the shoot. The focus during the shoot is not adjusting these variables, but knowing how to interact with the subject and get the best images possible.


[5-18] "lux versus f-stops"


[5-16] "Lightroom Classic"