[4-18] Rules for Importing NEF (raw) files

I advise following two rules on importing images:

[Rule 1] On Import, Rename Images

MLW7214.NEF ---> [4822] Obama W.H. (1 of 209)
MLW7215.NEF ---> [4822] Obama W.H. (2 of 209)

MLW7215.NEF ---> [4822] Obama W.H. (208 of 209)
MLW7215.NEF ---> [4822] Obama W.H. (209 of 209)

Lightroom Classic offers a way to automatically create a numbered format (# of total).

I started this in 2021 and retroactively named my image. The following summarizes my naming convention:

4000 ---> 2015/2016
4100 ---> 2017
4200 ---> 2018
4300 ---> 2019
4400 ---> 2020

I had over 100 clients in 2021, so the formatting goes forward like this

2021 —> 4500, 4501, 4502… 4707 (ends here)
2022 —> 4710 (starts here), 4711… 4951 (latest client on Aug 10, 2022);

[Rule 2] Separate Raw Image

[4822] Obama, John
↳ raw-1
↳ raw-2
↳ raw-3
↳ struck

all images ----> Raw-1, Raw-2, Raw-3... struck

this helps makes it more enjoyable to look through images. these folders are made in Lightroom Classic, but are part of folder structure too.

this requires you to look through the images

that’s why you took the images!

but I suppose most people simply want to post the images immediately to social media… this applies to people who wish to collect, collate, examine, organize, prioritize, and back-up the images they take


I also advise using a photo library (computer).

I’ve noticed many people use their iPhone as their library.

I only see this as an incredible loss of time. And operations that are much easier on a computer than phone. It shows a lot.


• back-up

• easier to rename

• computer short-cuts

• bigger screen (I use a 27” IPS monitor)

• avoid apple icloud storage fees

• …

What is there not to love?


[5-05] Z6ii (early opinion)


“85mm or 105mm?”