[6-13] "Portrait of four"

They wanted a photo with the four major board members in it; this happened this morning, around 75 minutes.

Two years ago, a photographer in a mutual Facebook Group posted a 7-8 person portrait inside a European cathedral. At first, the photo just felt good, put a smile on my face and was a good sign.

Then, he revealed the pictures of the scene without people. Then each person posing, in their spot, with a person holding a light at a 45° above the person. The final image was stitched from each individual picture taken on the same tripod. These were his friends on a trip to Europe together.

Annie Leibovitz probably did the same thing. Some of her B-roll from celebrity shoots–she has a special way, a loving voice but also firm. She manages large groups of important people with contrasting personalities. This her skill; most couldn't pose Tom Hanks, Cameron Diaz, and Harrison Ford in the same shot.

So when the four people arrived this AM, it was fun and challenging. I said, "The heights should be equal." So I arranged them, took iPhone pictures, reviewed it, and finally I took real pictures. There was a lot of chatting. A lot of discussion. It was great.

One guy got a nose-bleed, so I did the individual shots against a black canvas. People act different in groups. I plan to stitch all the images together to form a composite.


[6-14] "Hand"


[6-12] "Hamilton's pose"